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I love life. I love God. I love laughter. Yet I am far more complex than this.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Shutdown, SHerese, Shun...my day alliterated.

Cut the intro,

So, normally I wouldn't blog so close together. The more frequent something happens, the less desired it is. I wouldn't want my blog to become, well, less desired. However, this was another day that is in deep need of being explained. My day can be simplified into three words all beginning with 'sh'--shutdown, Sherese, and shun. All new experiences, so I shall hesitate no longer. This introduction is by all means dragging on.

First word: shutdown. Within 11 minutes of my previous blog of my newest beloved addition, Dexter ceased communication with the needle stuck in my six-pack (ha, yeah right). As he was alarming me with an ever so pleasant vibrate, I was moderately freaking out due to the lack of knowledge about Dex. After working so diligently to resuscitate my dear friend, I had to throw in the towel. I h   Don't worry, I went back in today, and Dex is working like the bomb dot com thanks to my wonderful study leader whom I love. 

Second word: Sherese. For any of you who know me, I am an absolute, no hiding, terrible liar. If the lie I am telling is funny, I will laugh. If it's sad, I'll start sobbing (I once tried to lie to my mom in 6th grade about dating a boy, it didn't go over well). However, today, this all turned around. There is this pest of a guy who always bothers my dear roommate, and best friend, Sarah Thompson. We shall call him R. Anyway, I went to visit Sar at the information desk where she works. Well, R kept bugging her, then me, and well, you get the picture. He, too, works for housing (the same place sarah works), so he looked at me and said, "What's your name and id?" I simply looked at him and said, "Boy, shush, you don't deserve my id." Ha, so sometimes I get sassy. Unintentional, but I think it was necessary. In the next three minutes he asked me my name at least seven times, so I finally looked at him and said, "Sherese." Obviously, he didn't believe me, but to reassure him he wanted me to spell it. "S-H-E-R-E-S-E. Sherese." Wow, that came flying out of my mouth like a speeding bullet. Not just a normal bullet, a speeding one. As a child, I quit the spelling bee due to two years of public humiliation upon misspelling piece and perfume. But this quick response of the name made me reconsider my bowing out. The best part of this story is the end. He slowly got up to leave, reached out his hand, and said (in a completely serious voice), "It was nice to meet you, Sherese." Yes. Epic win. 

Third and final word: SHun. Okay, so here's the scoop. Until Monday night, I am facebook fasting. Why? Because I'm, well, addicted. Yeah, judge all you want, but I was just working to control another flaw of mine. I needed to get some books read and priorities in line, soooooo I had to eliminate the devil of productivity--facebook. Anyway, most people have been rather helpful and encouraging throughout this short journey. However, the actions of one specific gentleman proved differently. After giving him the most delightful compliment man could ever ask for (I simply related him to Jim from the office), I was notified I should check something on facebook that he so kindly tagged me in. Upon informing him of my facebook fast and asking that he just tell me what it said, he spoke words that would forever haunt a facebook addict (mind you I'm also very curious person), "I know this is super mean BUT i'm gonna make you wait." So what did I do? I pulled out the oldest trick in the book. So, not the oldest, but fairly old. It actually originated in eastern Asia during the 13th century when the world was forced not to talk to the pagans. I shunned him. Well deserved. 

Don't worry, I forgive easily. So everything is resolved (and I figured out what the status said via a mutual friend, so the curiosity was killed). 

That's all, my friends. I am now going to jump into my bed and hit the snooze button on my brain. 

Love in unshunment,
The Lone Woolf


  1. I would first like to apologize for the delayed response on your O so amazing blogging frenzy! Because of this, I will not only comment on this great blog, but all of the others as well. Now all that nonsense is cleared up I think a thank you is in order from all your fellow followers... THESE BLOGS MAKE MY DAY! Maybe it is because of the common similarity, *diabetes*, or perhaps it is your use of elaborate and well used grammar and word choice that make these so great, but, these truly are pieces of art. Keep it up you crazy diabetic!

  2. This 'gentleman' concurs with Bryan, lol! Couldn't have said it better myself :)
